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Админ на Единый Форум Анархистов-3

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Здравствуйте. Требуется Админ на ЕДИНЫЙ ФОРУМ АНАРХИСТОВ - ANARHIA.TK






А куда Горенландия делась, может кто в курсе?



Острогова, я вроде в курсе, но это нам ничуть не поможет.
ведуться востановительные работы.



А куда Горенландия делась, может кто в курсе?

Заходите сюда тут админа вообще нет.




Я же там никого не знаю, что я там делать буду?




Отредактировано ostrogova (2010-03-30 23:22:43)



Hi, I'm a new member seeking some voices of experience....
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I've recently become interested in 3d after seeing some impressive photos on websites,wow power leveling learning about Stereo Photo Maker (SPM), and finding that both parallel and cross-eyed viewing come easily to me, thus dispensing with cumbersome viewing equipment. A couple of weeks ago I bought a used Stereax beamsplitter and have fitted it to my Canon A590IS (incidentally, the Canon la-dc52g supplementary lens adaptor for the Canon A-series makes a good beamsplitter mount). It performs quite well despite the first-surface mirrors being in poor condition. It evidences the usual dark rectangle in the centre at the widest zoom (35mm equiv.) and this can be minimised by moving to a longer focal length, which also eliminates a surrounding image of the internal of the beamsplitter. The results, when cropped, etc., by SPM, are reasonable but I decided to see if newer optics would improve things and have bought a new SKF-1.
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The SKF-1 was designed for a Zenit 58 mm slr lens but,ffxi gil when attached to the Canon, it produces a much more intrusive central rectangle at all points in the zoom range (which includes an effective 58mm). I happen to have an old Minolta slr with a 58mm lens and, on that, the SKF-1 has a much-reduced central rectangle - to the point of virtual disappearance at f/1.4, although becoming a problem above approx. f/8. While the rectangle appears to be the result of the central blanked-off area at the front of beamsplitters, this is merely sized to match the mirror geometry and sizes. I'm surprised then that, at the same field-of -view, the results aren't very similar for the two lenses. Is it because the two lens designs are very different? For example, maybe the fore-and-aft position of the effective lens centre relative to the front element? Any comments from experts out there would be welcome.
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I'm thinking that I may have to make a 4-mirror beamsplitter (along the lines described in this forum)cheap aion kinah with optimised mirror sizes to get the best results. Any advice on what I should particularly watch out for given the problem I have outlined?
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The SKF-1 has sealed optics and,wedding dresses in this area, the Stereax suffers badly in comparison. I have been thinking of using thin, "optically-polished", stainless steel mirrors as more robust than first-surface mirrors. They are sold as mirrors, seem highly reflective, and look to me to be pretty flat. Has anyone any knowledge of their suitability? Would SPM be able to take out minor aberrations caused by lack of flatness,wedding dresses as it compensates for so many other deviations from the ideal?
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All help appreciated.


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